Translation certification is the process by which a qualified entity deems a given translator to have met the criteria necessary for working as a translator.

While many certification procedures originated from those designed by government bodies, the trends in our ever-globalizing industry have now moved towards certifications by professional associations (such as the American Translator’s Association) or private companies (such as ALTA or Kaplan). This is partly because not all countries have government entities that regulate such certification, but also because translators are no longer expected to receive all of their work from a single country, and thus prefer certifications that are not tied to specific countries, given the cost of the procedures.

The Meridian Linguistics Testing Service is a branch of Meridian Linguistics Limited, a private linguistic consulting company based in Hong Kong. After finding a dearth of affordable translation procedures available to many of our skilled linguists, we launched our testing service in order to lower the financial barriers to demonstrating translation ability.