Promote Your MLTS Credential to Win More (and better) Translation Clients

Did you pass an MLTS translation test? If so, congratulations! You’ve made an investment in your career as a translator, and your potential clients will be glad to have a clear metric of your translation ability.

Now, how can you best promote your new credential to get more clients (or perhaps, angle for that rate raise you’ve been asking for?)

Here are some ways that MLTS translators have promoted their new credential.

1. Tweet It Out!

Use social media to spread the word about your new credential. Adding translation hashtags such as #translation, #translators, #xl8, or #t9n will help spread the word in your community.

2. Add your badge to your e-mail signature.

3. Add your badge to your CV!

4. Upload it as part of your portfolio in freelancer or translation directories (TranslatorsCafe, ProZ, Upwork, Fiverr, etc.)


5. Attach your certificate along with your CV when e-mailing or submitting bids on jobs.

Remind your clients that using your credential code, they can verify your identity and your credentials on our website.