Feel free to use our PO Generator to generate purchase orders for your business. Text regarding quality, deadlines, and more is fully editable to your own needs, but we have left our suggestions. Remember to sign it at the bottom!

This is a free tool that does not collect or save any input data, and is purely for your convenience.

Company Address:
Project Manager:
Task: Translation Interpreting Proofreading Editing Transcription Voiceover Other
Paid by: Source Word Target Word Source Character Target Character Flat Rate Other
Rate Per Word: Currency: Rate:
Number of words:
Total Payment:
Date Assigned:
Date Due:
Company Time:
Date Due:
Vendor Time:

These terms and conditions are binding once accepted in writing by e-mail or other method.


As deadlines are often critical for our clients, we cannot guarantee full payment for late deliveries. The earlier you can give us notice that you may have trouble meeting the deadline, the better chance we have of securing an extension for you (we may not always be able to grant an extension).

Missing text of more than 5% of the project will constitute an incomplete delivery.

Failure to adhere to instructions may result in a discounted payment.

When making your delivery, please make sure you have attached the correct file. If you attach the incorrect file and are unreachable by deadline, we cannot guarantee payment.

Translation Jobs

Do not use machine translation or outsource your work unless with the explicit consent of your project manager, even if you plan to edit it yourself. Our Machine Translation detector identifies text that is 90% similar to translation generated by a dozen machine translation providers, and if your translation is rejected it will be flagged and your PO may be voided.

We expect all translators to carefully proofread and research their work, checking all proper names (persons, places, and things) and running spellcheck on the final product. Translations should be checked carefully for any missing text, and formatted to match the source. Deliveries should be made in the requested format. If not specified, they should be delivered in the same format as the source.

We do not accept documents prepared in “Pages”.

Unless explicitly advised, do not OCR documents as they can create too much trouble to clean up in the QA phase.

Editing Job

If you are accepting this editing job, you are taking responsibility for the ultimate quality of the translation. Please review the translation before confirming this PO. If the quality of the translation is so poor that you do not feel editing will be enough, advise us immediately. Otherwise, we expect you to bring the quality of the translation up to the standard that you would offer for your own work. See “Translation Jobs” for specific requirements.

Always Track Changes and use Insert Comments, where the format allows. Never write directly into the document. Do not highlight.

If you find missing text, advise use immediately, prior to delivery, to give us time to provide it to you.

Proofreading Job

Please carefully check all spelling and ensure fluency of the target translation. Check for any missing text. Run spell-check.

Always Track Changes and use Insert Comments. Never write directly into the document. Do not highlight.

If you find missing text, advise use immediately, prior to delivery, to give us time to provide it to you.


The documents to be handled by you, the content of these documents, client identity, and details of this job are not to be shared within anyone or using any medium. If the client’s identity is revealed to you, you agree not to contact this client directly for 1 (one) year from issuance of this PO.


Within days of


More information on payment:

Signature of Project Manager: